Expired, lost or damaged Ukrainian passport

This article will tell you what to do if you are in Hungary and

  • your passport has been lost or stolen, or
  • your passport has been expired, or
  • you want to apply for a new passport for minor

What shall I do if my passport has been stolen in Hungary? 

  1. First of all, contact the nearest police station to report the loss or theft of your passport. The police will make a written report and give you a certificate of that report. Take care of it, you will need it later!
  2. Contact your local Ukrainian consulate with the certificate from the police. Once your identity and nationality have been established, the consular staff will issue a temporary identity card. To apply for a new passport to return to Ukraine, you can find information at the webpage of the Embassy of Ukraine in Hungary.

To replace a lost or stolen passport, you need to present the following documents at the consulate:

  • the certificate proving that your passport has been lost or stolen – this is the document you received at the police station after you reported your passport missing. Please note that this document can be submitted without authentification and without a Ukrainian translation, which means that there will be no extra cost for you or any other follow-up with this application;
  • the required form completed (you will get it at the consulate);
  • identity document proving Ukrainian citizenship;
  • proof of payment of the consular fee (you can pay on the spot by credit card or by cheque at the nearest post office)

ATTENTION: if you do not have a Ukrainian ID card, you cannot apply for a new passport; you can only apply for a one-time border crossing document called a temporary ID card.

What can I do with a temporary ID card ?

With this card you are only entitled to return to Ukraine. You cannot buy air tickets or cross the borders of other countries. The temporary ID card is valid for 30 days. If you need a new passport and you do not have a Ukrainian ID card, you have that much time to go back and acquire a new passport.

ATTENTION: The Ukrainian Consulate regularly publishes on its official Facebook page the list of stolen or lost documents sent to them by the police.  If your documents are lost or stolen, be sure to check here before you apply for new ones!

What should I do if my passport has expired?

If your passport has expired, please contact the Consulate with the following documents:

  • the required form (the link on their website doesn’t work, so you have to do it in person)
  • proof of payment of the consular fee
  • the expired passport

In what cases do I need a new passport? 

You should get a new passport in the following cases:

  • some of the data in the passport have changed;
  • there are errors in the data typed into the passport;
  • the passport has expired (see above);
  • the passport is unusable (e.g. in case of damage)

How are passports issued to minors?

  • a passport for children under 18 (minors) can be issued to an adult who has an authorisation from the legal representative of the child. In such cases, the passport can be delivered only for this person having the authorisation. The list of documents to be presented is the same as for adults.
  • for persons under 16 the passport is issued for 4 years and for persons over 16 it is valid for 10 years.

There is a verification procedure (comparison of biometric data) when the passport is issued. In these cases, the applicant checks the personal data in the passport and signs the passport to confirm receipt. If you do not receive the issued passport within one year, your passport will be destroyed. However, the storage may be extended in case you submit a written request.

All information is available on the webpage of the Ukrainian Consulate in Ukrainian language here.

If you lose any of your other Ukrainian documents or someone steals them, you should also report it to the police. You can apply for new documents (except passport) in your own country.

The information in this article has been verified, but may not necessarily apply to all specific, individual cases! If you have any questions, please contact us at the details below.

+36 30 299 4030

