Lost and found belongings

Have you lost your documents or an important item such as a bag? Or were they stolen from you? Have you found another person’s documents? What to do in such a case? We will help you!

The conditions of disappearance need to be defined!

If it is theft, you must go to the police! This way you will be able to explain your lack of documents during the inspection, and you will need a copy of the statement when making new ones.

If documents or belongings were lost on a train or Volánbusz bus, you should contact the lost and found office or the customer service department of the arrival station. These companies have a consolidated database of lost and found items, which can be searched by calling the 24-hour hotline:

+36 1 3 49 49 49

+36 30 499 4999

+36 20 499 4999

+36 70 499 4999

What do we know about things found on Volánbusz trains or buses?

Items are usually stored at the station where they were turned in for 8 days, after which they are transferred to a central lost and found office where they are kept for 90 days.

What happens to the documents found?

Hungarian documents are usually handed over to the relevant authorities. Since there are no separate rules for Ukrainian documents, they are either handed over to the Ukrainian embassy or police, or kept by them. Therefore, it is worth inquiring in these three places.

What should I do if I lost my belongings on public transport in Budapest?

You should write an e-mail to talalttargy@bkv.hu, describing the lost item as precisely as possible and the conditions of the loss (date, time, type and number of the line). After that, you will receive a reply within a few days (while all the items found during this period are entered into the registry) whether the item has been found or not. After that, you can pick up the item in person at the address Budapest VII. kerület Akácfa utca 18 (Mon-Fri 10:00-16:00). To pick up, in addition to a detailed description of the item, you must have an ID document and pay in cash the cost of the service, which is equals to the price of one single ticket. Please note that the found document, which is in the company, cannot be used for identification, you must have another one!

What should I do if I find someone else’s belongings?

Items found on public transport or at stations should be given to the driver or the passenger service office, and documents found on the street should be taken to the nearest police station.

The information in this article has been verified, but may not necessarily apply to all specific, individual cases! If you have any questions, please contact us at the details below.

+36 30 299 4030

