SOS Ukraine - residence permit

Residence permit in Hungary

In this article, we explain

  • who can get a residence permit
  • what rights this document gives to you
  • what are  the conditions for requiring a residence permit are
  • how you can get it

Who can get a residence permit and what is it for?

People coming from Ukraine, and other countries, can get a residence permit if they meet certain requirements, e. g. have a job in Hungary or family members. This document is useful for those who want to reside in Hungary for a longer period of time, at least for more than 90 days.

How is the residence permit linked to asylum status?

Residence permits and asylum status are mutually exclusive. It is worth considering each case individually and possibly consulting an expert. Consider applying for a residence permit if you really want to live in Hungary for more than 90 days.

Read more about what rights does asylum status give you in this article: Asylum status in Hungary.

What rights will you have with a residence permit?

If you have a residence permit, you have the right to:

  • stay in Hungary legally;
  • enroll your child in nursery school/kindergarten/school;
  • get an address registry form (which gives you eligibility to buy a car or open a bank account).

You will also have the opportunity to

  • bring your family members to Hungary so they get a residence permit as well with the help of your valid document.

On what grounds can I get a residence permit?

Residence permits can be issued for the purpose of family reunification, employment or studies. So, to put it simply, if you have family members with valid papers in Hungary or a job, or if you are an officially registered student in the country, you may apply for a residence permit. The exact regulation is  more complicated, so we will list the basic conditions for the procedure of requiring a residence permit in Hungary.

Residence permit for family reunification:

Getting a residence permit based on family reunification is possible if you are coming from Ukraine to stay with relatives who are either Hungarian citizens or already have the relevant papers here, i.e. family members of:

  • a Hungarian citizen;
  • a third-country national with a residence permit or a permanent residence permit or an immigration permit;
  • a person with a residence card or a permanent residence card under a special law;
  • a person recognised as a refugee or as a person under the protection of the law;

The persons listed above are called “family reunifier”. A family reunifier is a family member who is already residing in Hungary for some reason with a valid permit. Family member is a wife/husband, a child, a dependent parent, a parent of a minor who already has a permit; syblings and relatives can apply for a permit only in case they can’t look after himself/herself).

Family members of residence permit applicants can also request residence permit. Here you find more information about the topic.

Attention! Children are not entitled to health insurance under the family reunification residence permit. For persons under 18 years of age, a monthly contribution of HUF 60,000 (UAH 6,000) is required for the use of health services, and a social security card is issued by the government office only after the payment of the twenty-four monthly lump sum contribution. All this is a consequence of the irregularity in the legislation, but it is useful to know about it before the residence permit application.

Work-related residence permit:

If you want to  work as an employee or as a company owner or manager, you can also apply for a residence permit.

The residence permit for work-related activities can be requested by the employer for the employee, but the employee can also start the process with valid documents from the employer. 

The application usually costs €110, but Ukrainian citizens don’t need to pay it​​, ​only in case of lost or stolen documents. To apply, fill in the form Application for a residence permit” and Appendix 9, and attach a photograph, as well as the following:

a document proving the purpose of the stay, i.e. proof of employment: a prior agreement to establish an employment relationship or a document proving the employment relationship (contract or letter of intent from the employer);

  • a document proving your means of subsistence in Hungary: e.g. an income certificate issued by your employer, a bank statement from a bank account; if this is not available, it is sufficient to indicate your future income and it is advisable to mention savings.
  • a document proving the existence of accommodation in Hungary: e.g. tenancy agreement, deed of accommodation on a courtesy basis;
  • a document proving the existence of comprehensive health insurance, which can be replaced by writing in the application the term “on the basis of employment”
  • Accommodation Registration Form. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Until 1 January 2023, this was a white, hard cardboard sheet, but from 1 January 2023 this is changed. Instead of a cardboard sheet, a certificate will be issued on the day of fingerprinting with a link to download the certificate of registration of residence and a qr-code to open this certificate. You can find the new forms here. Persons who received the card before 1 January 2023 do not need to replace it, as it will remain valid for them until the residence permit expires.
  • In addition to the mandatory annexes, the Immigration Policing authority may ask the applicant to submit additional documents during the procedure.  This can be e. g. extra information about your accommodation, your job and the company you are working for.

You can read more on this topic here.

Residence permit for studies

You can require a residence permit if you are an officially registered student at a Hungarian educational institution. It is important to note that if you have already applied for refugee status from the asylum authorities, you cannot get a residence permit on the grounds of pursuing studies. These two are mutually exclusive. More information on this issue can be found here.

IMPORTANT! If you apply electronically at, the procedure is faster and the fees are lower or in many cases you don’t even have to pay.

The information in this article has been verified, but may not necessarily apply to all specific, individual cases! If you have any questions, please contact us at the details below.

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