SOS Ukraine - Address Registration

Address registration in Hungary

If you are staying in Hungary, it is important to register your address as this is compulsory for everyone. This article explains how to do it

  • if you are a dual national
  • if you have a residence permit
  • if you have asylum status
  • if you have a humanitarian protection/tolerated status.

If you are residing legally in Hungary, you have a registered residence. According to the law, you need to notify the authorities within three days in case of changing your residence. Where and how to do this depends on your status in the country. Let’s take a closer look at the most common cases.

What should you do if you are a dual national?

Like Hungarian citizens, dual nationals and permanent residents can register a change of address or residence at a government office.

What documents do you need for the notification?

  • identity card
  • address card
  • proof of your ownership in the case of owned property
  • the tenancy agreement in the case of rented accommodation
  • address registration form signed by the owner(s). In case of multiple owners, the consent of all owners is required.

What do you need to do if you have a residence permit?

As of 1 January 2023, holders of a residence permit can notify a change of residence via the OIF portal

What documents do you need for the notification?

  • accommodation notification form that you can dowload from the following link;
  • the rental contract or a declaration of tenancy by ourtesy;
  • an acceptance declaration, which must be signed by the owner of the property.

For more information on residence permits, please see Residence permit in Hungary.

What do you need to do if you have asylum status?

You must fill in the following form and submit it to the OIF National Directorate for Refugees. You will receive the form on the spot. (here is a picture of the form)

Szálláshely változás bejelentése -

In this case, you do not need to have any documents entitling you to use the property. Once submitted, you will be issued with an Official Certification.

You can read more about asylum status in Hungary here: Asylum in Hungary.

What do you need to do if you have a humanitarian protection/tolerated status?

If you have a tolerated status and your address changes, you must go to the relevant office of the National Directorate for Refugees (OIF). There you will be given a cardboard form (accommodation declaration form for third-country nationals) and a Declaration of Consent, which you must fill in and have the accommodation provider sign. They may also ask you for a document giving you the right to use the property (tenancy contract or tenancy by courtesy), so make sure you take these with you.




The information in this article has been verified, but may not necessarily apply to all specific, individual cases! If you have any questions, please contact us at the details below.

+36 30 299 4030